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domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018

AMY WINEHOUSE: THE FLOODED FLOWER OF ANEMONA AMY WINEHOUSE: THE FLOODED FLOWER OF ANEMONE. ANEMONE IS THE NACI0NAL FLOWER OF ISRAEL. She looked like a teenage girl who had not yet reached the maturity of adulthood. They wanted to make her look more seductive and at the same time keep an air of naughty girl. Her copious black, hair like a crow's wing, was lifted in a giant tall moll with a wick falling carelessly down her shoulder. Her eyes, well delineated with black mascara, changed

AMY WINEHOUSE: THE FLOODED FLOWER OF ANEMONA AMY WINEHOUSE: THE FLOODED FLOWER OF ANEMONE. ANEMONE IS THE NACI0NAL FLOWER OF ISRAEL. She looked like a teenage girl who had not yet reached the maturity of adulthood. They wanted to make her look more seductive and at the same time keep an air of naughty girl. Her copious black, hair like a crow's wing, was lifted in a giant tall moll with a wick falling carelessly down her shoulder. Her eyes, well delineated with black mascara, changed

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