Fw: Latinos In The Industry 03.31.2009
Enviado por: "Arte Histriónico y Lúdico ® Tale" artehistrionico@gmail.com artehistrionicoyludico
Mié, 1 de Abr, 2009 7:41 pm (PDT)
Latinos In The Industry eNewsletter
Néstor Catino
Arte Histriónico y Lúdico ®
www.artehistrionico .com
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Perfiles de talentos, locaciones, etc. representados por nosotros.
www.mundoaudiovisua l.com.ar/ Curriculums Talentos que suben su material.
www.artehistrionico .ar.gs: Nuestro grupo en Yahoo! desde agosto de 2003.
Recuerde visitar www.zonadedelivery. com y no te muevas de su lugar, deja que le llevemos todo lo que necesitas.
Visite www.clasicompu. com.ar
MSN: n_catino@hotmail. com
----- Original Message -----
To: list-LITI@nalip. info
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 3:01 AM
Subject: Latinos In The Industry 03.31.2009
A Message From the Conference 10 Co-Chairs: NALIP About to Close Registration!
We look forward to welcoming you to the landmark event that will be our 10th anniversary Conference next month. We are sure that you have read the stories confirming great speakers, panels, networking opportunities and special signups. We write to tell you about a few new events and other exciting news.
First, the news. Yes, it is true: NALIP is reaching its capacity for Conference 10 registrations, and will not be able to accept more attendees after Friday. You may ask why. Well, a few reasons. One is rooted in our vision for this event, which was to make it smaller, smarter, more affordable, and more useful to our members. To this end, we have programmed a high-level, goal-oriented weekend with top speakers, big ideas, and topics that will enable problem solving. A second reason is the economy. Because we need to make wise use of our sponsorship and registration dollars while providing a high quality event, we are capping the number of participants. Those who are attending will enjoy it all the more.
That leads to the second topic, the new events that you will not want to miss. David is known for the great Hollywood executives he brings to the NALIP Conference and Latino Media Market; this year is no exception. He has programmed a panel Saturday morning on "Pitching Hollywood: How and What to Sell Today" that assembles the wisdom of Pearlena Igbokwe, SVP at Showtime, Alan Khamoui from Paramount, Lynette Ramirez of George Lopez Presents, Franklin Leonard from Universal, and Adriana Ambriz from Fox. Come hear their tips, horror stories and favorite moments along with dos and don'ts that everyone should know about selling a pitch to Hollywood.
We also welcome a new case study: the Sundance 2009 feature film DON'T LET ME DROWN by Cruz Angeles and Maria Topete. Joined by star Yareli Arizmendi, the case study discussion will detail the path from Sundance Lab script all the way to the narrative competition. In addition to this film, case studies of Natalia Almada's EL GENERAL, which won the 2009 Sundance award for documentary directing, and Juan Mandelbaum's NUESTROS DESAPARECIDOS, which premiered at the Los Angeles Film Festival premiere, are highlights of what will be a rich weekend.
Later this week, we will announce our Sneak Preview film for Friday evening, which is followed by a special filmmaker Q&A. All told, you do not want to miss NALIP 10. But if you don't register this week, you will.
Remember: This year there will no on-site registration, drop ins, freebies, or room for friends. So take action now, and celebrate NALIP's new decade.
Frances Negrón-Muntaner, David Ortiz, Ligiah Villalobos
NALIP 10 Co-chairs
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Call for Applications: 2009-2010 ABC Entertainment Group Production Associates Program
The application process for the 2009-2010 ABC Entertainment Group Production Associates Program begins April 1, 2009 thru April 24, 2009. The program is a 12-month paid program, during which individuals from diverse backgrounds are placed in entry-level positions in the production-related areas of ABC Studios in Burbank, California.
Production Associates will be assigned entry-level positions within six main groups in primetime television production: Production Management, Production Finance, Post-Production Management, Studio Crafts Management, Business and Legal Affairs, and Creative Affairs.
Applications will be accepted only between April 1, 2009 and April 24, 2009. Applications must be submitted electronically. Mailed submissions will not be accepted. Interviews will be scheduled May 28 and May 29, 2009 and job assignments are expected to begin on July 6, 2009.
For an application and further information, please contact:
Production Associates Program Administrator
(818) 460-7735 - Information Line
Email: ABC.Production. Associates. Administrator@ abc.com
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Deadline Approaching: $25,000 Feature Doc Grant for Animal Protection Issues
Today's diverse forms of media can be powerful vehicles for increasing awareness of animal protection issues. The mission of The Humane Society of the United States' (The HSUS) Animal Content in Entertainment (ACE) program is to encourage content creators to view animal issues as rich source material for socially relevant documentary and entertainment media.
The HSUS' ACE program offers various levels of support, from access to information, advisory experts, and film and video archives, to grant programs, promotional partnerships and large scale strategic alliances with the potential to reach an audience of millions.
As part of that support system, The HSUS has partnered with The Silverdocs/AFI/ Discovery Channel Documentary Festival for four consecutive years to provide a grant for a feature documentary that highlights one or more animal protection issues. Last year that grant was increased to $25,000, and thanks to our partners at Silverdocs and Discovery, we received an overwhelming response. And with socially relevant content becoming more a part of our mainstream media diet, this year will be even better.
Extended Submission Deadline: April 17, 2009
For details and application information go to www.ace-tvfilm. com
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Call for Entries: LUNAFEST
LUNAFEST is a nationwide traveling festival of short films by...for.about women. Our festival accepts short films, 20 minutes or less, in a variety of genres which embody the inspirational roles of women in our local, national and international communities.
We are looking for amateurs, students and aspiring indie filmmakers and producers involved in films aligned with our by.for.about women theme and are especially thrilled to receive animated, documentary, international and comic pieces. Films are viewed by over 25,000 people and screened in over 150 venues across the country. There is no limitation based on the year of production and winning filmmakers are awarded $1000 cash!
Postmark Submission Deadline: April 30, 2009
For details and application information go to www.lunafest. org
Email: lunafest@clifbar. com
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Deadline Approaching: LA Shorts Fest
The entry deadline is approaching for the 13th LA Shorts Fest, the largest short film festival in the world. Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences accredited. In past years, 33 participants have earned Academy Award nominations including 11 Oscar winning short films! The festival annually attracts more than 10,000 moviegoers, filmmakers and entertainment professionals looking for the hottest new talent.
Regular Deadline: April 4, 2009
Final Deadline: May 8, 2009
Submit Online www.LAshortsFest. com
Email: info@lashortsfest. com
Alex Rivera
NALIPster's film Sleep Dealer featured in New York Times article
NALIP mentor and founding member Alex Rivera and his film Sleep Dealer are featured in a New York Time article about movies that combine commentary on immigration and genre entertainment. (Sleep Dealer is also featured in an article in the current issue of Wired Magazine, available online here.)
At the Border Between Politics and Thrills
by Dennis Lim, The New York Times
The current crop of American films dealing with immigration is as varied as the immigrant experience itself: an ensemble melodrama about illegal aliens in Los Angeles (the recent "Crossing Over"), a quiet story of a Dominican baseball player in the minor leagues in Iowa (next month's "Sugar"). But there are a pair that could be considered movies without borders. Both are Spanish-language features shot in Mexico by first-time American directors, and both are ambitious hybrids: socially conscious films in the form of brash genre entertainments.
Alex Rivera's "Sleep Dealer" (April 17), which was shown at Sundance last year, is a science fiction parable set in a near-future Mexico, where concepts of migration and labor mobility are reinvented by cutting-edge technology.
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Pepe Urquijo
NALIPster featured in Discovery series teaching filmmaking to inmates
NALIP member and award-winning filmmaker Pepe Urquijo (LPA 2007) is featured in Discovery Channel's documentary series "San Quentin Film School" teaching filmmaking to incarcerated me in San Quentin State Prison. The series - airing throughout April - was produced and directed by the Award-winning team of Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky ("Metallica: Some Kind of Monster", "Paradise Lost 1 & 2" and the TV series "Iconoclasts" ).
Pepe writes this about his experience:
"Over the summer NALIP board chair Beni Matias passed my info on to some folks creating an intensive 6 week film class to a group of nine incarcerated men. I gladly accepted the challenge and it was a marvelous experience. I taught these 9 first time filmmakers and together we all produced 9 short but powerful films that ranged from an "Iron Chef" spin off to water conservation rights and the Klamath River to the Birdman of San Quentin. Each film has its own compelling story both in front & behind the camera. The finished films were shared with San Quentin's general population and from what I've learned the men are still applauding these first time filmmakers visions."
A new episode airs on Discovery every Friday through April 24, at 6 a.m. and again at 9 a.m.
Anthony Hopkins to Play Ernest Hemingway
(New Kerala) - Hollywood legend Sir Anthony Hopkins is to play revered author and adventurer Ernest Hemingway in a new movie, directed by actor Andy Garcia. FULL STORY
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That's a Wrap on the 16th Annual San Diego Film Festival
(La Prensa San Diego) - Seats became a hot commodity at an annual Latino film festival that rolled through San Diego this March; at least 18,000 people attended the 16th annual San Diego Latino Film Festival to see approximately 165 films. FULL STORY
Visit the NALIP Job Opportunities page for all the latest listings.
Casting: Global Warming Thriller Generation Last
Casting several roles in the feature global warming thriller Generation Last, shooting in Los Angeles in May. FULL JOB DESCRIPTION
Alex Mendoza
Alex Mendoza & Associates
AMARTE Design & Digital Printing
9513 Longden Avenue
Temple City, CA 91780
alexmend@aol. com
1323 Lincoln Blvd., #220
Santa Monica, CA 90401
membership@nalip. info
Contact us at webmaster@nalip. infoTo post news, announcements, business data or job postings.
To SUBSCRIBE send an email to list-LITI-subscribe @nalip.info
to UNSUBSCRIBE send an email to list-LITI-unsubscri be@nalip. org
The Latinos in the Industry e-Newsletter is a free service provided by the National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP) with the generous assistance of Alex Mendoza & Associates (AMA) in an "as-is" basis for the education and information of users only. NALIP and/or AMA, their principal(s) , employees, agents or representatives shall under no circumstances be liable for any loss or damage, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, goodwill or indirect or consequential loss arising out of any use of or inaccuracies in the information. All warranties expressed or implied are excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law. All comments and postings, including those by the Editor, are the responsibility of those individuals posting and no endorsement by NALIP and/or AMA should be inferred. Referral links and individual e-mail forwarding are permitted. NALIP reserves the right to withdraw or delete information or to discontinue this service at any time. All quoted, linked and/or referred information, as well as all copyrights and trademarks, are the property of their respective holders, used here under license and/or "fair-use" rules. © NALIP.
Dos parejas de profesores de danzas Argentinas con aquilatada trayectoria nacional è internacional, desarrollando sus tareas en forma independiente una de la otra, haciendo conocer a sus alumnos y nuevos interesados en conocer los secretos de la danza, ponen a disposiciòn la siguiente informaciòn a travès de PRODUCCIONES BRUNENGO prensa de UN CACHO DE TANGO. Muchas Gracias por su lectura
--- El lun 30-mar-09, Oscar Gauna
De: Oscar Gauna
Para: uncachodetango@yahoo.com.ar, "betty"
Anita cursos para bailarìn e instructor de tango
Enviado por: "Rafaelina Di Vito" anitatango1@yahoo.it anitatango1
Jue, 2 de Abr, 2009 4:31 pm
Accademia Nazionale Italiana Tango Argentino
di concerto
con l’ Academia Nacional del Tango di Buenos Aires
presentano i Corsi per
“Bailarìn e Instructor de Tango”,
I corsi avranno come finalità la formazione ed il riconoscimento istituzionale da parte dell’Academia Nacional de Tango di Buenos Aires della figura professionale di “Bailarìn e Isntructor de Tango Argentino”.
Al termine del ciclo formativo e quindi al raggiungimento del III° livello, i partecipanti dovranno sostenere obbligatoriamente, al fine di ottenere il diploma di“Bailarìn e Isntructor de Tango Argentino” l’esame finale.
La prova in questione, teorico/pratica, sarà tenuta da una Commissione Esaminatrice scelta direttamente dall’Academia Nacional del Tango e verterà su tutte le tematiche trattate nel corso del piano di studio.
Il diploma, così conseguito,al termine del ciclo formativo, avrà l’autorevolezza di essere l’unico in Italia a dare al suo possessore il prestigio di essere stato rilasciato, certificato ed omologato all’insegnamento da parte dell’Academia Nacional del Tango in Buenos Aires edall’Accademia Nazionale Italiana Tango Argentino in Italia.
Tutti i corsisti, riceveranno al termine di ogni livello “Attestato di Partecipazione”oltre alle dispense sviluppate in base alletematiche trattate dai docenti designati.
Il corso si svilupperà in tre diversi livelli , attribuendo a ciascun livello una distinzione particolare I °- II° e III°.
Il corso di I livello, (1° sessione 1-2 e 3 maggio 2009), si svilupperà in cinque incontri con una durata totale di 22 ore così riperatite:
Storia del Tango : Relatore Prof. Lidia Ferrari 4 ore
Musicalità: Carlos Adrian Fioramonti 4 ore
Posturologia applicata al Tango:Dott.ssa Paola de Vera D'Aragona 4 ore
Tango Milonguero/Salò n: Susana Rojo 5 ore
Tango Escenario: Alejandra Arruè y Sergio Natario 5 ore
Tango y política (algo políticamente correcto), y crisis
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